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Visitors from all over the world are drawn to Burma not only for its rich history, but also for its atmosphere, its smells and its warm hospitality.
Occupied by the Mons, the Burmans and the British, Burma has known a great may cultures. Today, according to government classifications, the population is composed of seven peoples: Shans, Mons, Karens, Karenni, Chin, Kachin and Rakhine.


Cambodia : Angkor and the Khmers

The Khmer Krom, and indeed the kingdom of Cambodia, consider themselves the descendants of the Khmer Empire which ruled the region from the 9th century to the 16th century. The empire is thought to have been founded by Jayavarman II. He built his capital north of Lake Tonle in 1802. Under his rule the Empire reached its peak, and achieved its greatest territorial expansion, covering Cambodia and large areas of Laos and Thailand.


China : Beijin, The Forbidden city

Ancient China’s civilisation has kept a presence in today’s China. Its imprint reminds us of China’s greatness, at the time when it reigned over the greater part of Asia. The Forbidden City, at the heart of Beijing, incarnates the ancient emperors’ power. A city within the Imperial city, it is where the Emperor of China lived, leaving the compound on very rare occasions.


China’s great history

Legends tells that the only man-made structure that can be seen from the moon is the Great Wall of China. Fact or fiction? In any case, this strategic fortification is the most impressive of its time. Walking it, one feels as an invincible warriors, but at its feet, we feel insignificant. It is under the rule of Shi Huangdi of the Qin dynasty in 221 BC that the Great Wall’s construction begins. Designed to protect Chinese lands from its opponents, it stretches across the Yellow River.


Egypt: The treasures of the Nile valley (part 1)

For almost three millennium, the Nile valley has been home to one of the most brilliant civilisations in history. The invention of a written language, consisting of ideograms called hieroglyphs, not long after the appearance of the cuneiform in Mesopotamia in 3300 BC, marked mankind’s progression out of the prehistoric period. The Egypt of the Pharaohs developed rapidly, reaching its golden age in the 8th century BC, and leaving in its wake a monumental contribution to world heritage.


Egypt: The treasures of the Nile valley (part 2)

For almost three millennium, the Nile valley has been home to one of the most brilliant civilisations in history. The invention of a written language, consisting of ideograms called hieroglyphs, not long after the appearance of the cuneiform in Mesopotamia in 3300 BC, marked mankind’s progression out of the prehistoric period. The Egypt of the Pharaohs developed rapidly, reaching its golden age in the 8th century BC, and leaving in its wake a monumental contribution to world heritage.


Egypt: The treasures of the Nile valley (part 3)

For almost three millennium, the Nile valley has been home to one of the most brilliant civilisations in history. The invention of a written language, consisting of ideograms called hieroglyphs, not long after the appearance of the cuneiform in Mesopotamia in 3300 BC, marked mankind’s progression out of the prehistoric period. The Egypt of the Pharaohs developed rapidly, reaching its golden age in the 8th century BC, and leaving in its wake a monumental contribution to world heritage.


Egypt: The temple of Karnak

The temples of Karnak are three kilometres north of Luxor. It is without a doubt the greatest site of the Egypt of the Pharaohs. Dating back 4700 years, it remains the largest religious structure ever built. The major part of it was constructed during the New Kingdom era. Karnak was an immense building site for over two thousand years.It was not a temple, rather an entire religious complex, a bustling city where thousands of people were constantly building from the Middle Kingdom until the Ptolemaic era.


Egypt: The Mameluks

The Mamluk dynasty was the empire of the slaves. Political stability and internal peace provided Egypt with a period of prosperity and rapid development. The Mamluk period lasted from 1250 to 1516. Originally members of the Ayubbid Sultan’s private guard, the Mamluks revolted at the time the of the seventh crusade. Their reputation as courageous warriors proved to be well-earned: they ruled all of Egypt, defeated the Mongols, and conquered the last Franc territories in Lebanon and Syria.


Egypt: Muslim Cairo

Cairo… some love it , some hate it, but no-one can remain indifferent. Amongst the countless marvels to be found here, are a number of magnificent Islamic buildings. Cairo’s Islamic history started at the very dawn of Islam, when the Caliph Omar set out to conquer neighbouring regions. The town of Fustat was built in 640, on the site of present day Old Cairo, and it was home to the first mosque on African soil.


Egypt: The Ramesseum funeral temple of Ramses II

The Ramesseum is dedicated to the glorious and most famous pharaoh Ramses the second, who reigned for 67 years. It is a funerary temple, one of the most beautiful of the eastern bank’s constructions.The Ramesseum is located to the north of the Memnon colossus, between the temples of Amenhotep and Tutmosis the 4th, in the Theban necropolis, across the Nile from Luxor.


Egypt : Ramses II : The pharaoh city builder

Ramses II continues to fascinate us over the centuries, because he is the symbol of the triumphant Pharoah, and one of the greatest builders of Ancient Egypt. One could compare him to Louis XIV, the Sun-King, with whom he shared a surname, because he was the son of Ra, the Sun God himself. He ruled as an absolute monarch, and raised the prestige of the Pharoahs to its ultimate peak.


India : Rajasthan, the Mughal Empire

The Umayyad dynasty was one of the longest and the most legendary dynasties in Mediterranean history. From 661 to 750, this dynasty of Caliphs governed the Muslim world, which extended from Central Asia to Spain. 
Mohammed and the Umayyads shared a common ancestor ?Abd Manafibn Quayy. His son Hašim was the founder of the Banu Hašim clan, to which the prophet belonged, while his other son ?Abd Šams was the founder of the Umayyad dynasty through his son ?Umayya.


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